Ted Billups

As an agency owner, executive director, principal designer, solution architect, and software developer over the past 25 years I've designed and built digital and physical used every day by millions of people. I'm most passionate about understanding human behavior as the root of 'why' before shaping pixels, prompting queries, and writing code. Seeking 'why' and exploring the motivations, barriers, and methods to change behavior has helped me develop as a person and curate meaningful relationships.

Making Great Things Together

People are at the center of of making things; we can learn their motivations and abilities, provide rich feedback towards their aspirations, and create successful software together.

Design and Technology Leader and Executive Advisor

As a young designer and leader I learned from the successes and mistakes of my managers and my actions. I lead teams and priority projects with the same level of curiosity and extreme ownership as those formative days, bolstered by the wisdom of knowing where to focus, including which connections and technologies are worth exploring.

I feel a great sense of pride in helping foster the careers and lives of so many unique talented people.

Artist and Mountain Biker

When not diving into energy data ecosystems and creating software, I'm riding and maintaining mountain bike trails, sketching, painting, or creating with digital and AI tools like Midjourney and Procreate.

Co-Owner of School of Rock Chicago West

In 2017 my former software agency business partner and I launched a School of Rock in downtown Chicago. Students learn to perform as a group in small and huge venues (Lollapalooza!) around Chicago and the midwest.

I serve in mainly an advisory role along with creating rock show posters and taking harmonica lessons :-)

Reach out if you'd like to connect!

Focus Areas Along My Career Journey

I began as a web designer and started a software agency in Chicago which grew to 130 people. I learned how to lead teams, evolved into management and co-owning a software agency. agencymanager, designer, researcher, developer, inventor, software agency owner, consultant, advisor and mentor.


Foundational UX architecture, design and technology


Loyalty and Gaming, user research expanded, creative direction on a small team


Rapid enterprise org growth, scaling and directing cross-functional teams, sale of Agency to Divine


Agency focus on travel and leisure booking paths, fashion and retail ecommerce


Invention and creation of visual testing SaaS and sale to Adobe


Agency focus on UX in large-scale software and marketing experiences


Invention of dynamic creative advertising software and programmatic campaigns


Award winning online gaming design and software for lottery and casino


Agency focus on UX and software development for Adobe Experience platforms, personalization and ecommerce


Sale of agency and products; merge with mid-size software firm, rapid growth 


Data Visualization and Analytics design and software at scale


Refine leadership skills, Next Generation UX; Immersive XR and Connected Devices UX


Behavior Change Design and Emotional Engagement UX for enterprise software


Primary focus on product innovation and technology in the Energy industry


Artificial intelligence for rapid creativity and efficiency in design, data, software, and writing.

Onward and upward!
Contact Ted Billups
© Billups Consulting LLC